What is Reiki?

Reiki is commonly known as an energy healing method, discovered in 1922 by Japanese scholar Mikao Usui while on Mt Kurama (the entrance of which is shown above).

But there is so much more to Reiki:

  • Reiki is - literally - very hands-on: The energy is transmitted by simply placing your hands on a client - or even on yourself.

  • Reiki is "truly sustainable energy": The more you give to other people, the more energised you become yourself.

  • Reiki is a recognised complementary therapy and even offered within the NHS

  • It can bring pain reduction, accelerates physical healing, and may reduce the side effects of prescription drugs.

  • Reiki helps to relax and cope with stress, harmonising body and mind, and aiding meditation.

  • Reiki starts a detox process in the body, helping to rid itself of the toxins we take in every day.

  • Reiki can heal your life - in a truly encompassing sense. Not only does it stimulate your body's innate healing abilities and deal with physical ailments, it goes right done to the root of problems, whether physical, mental, or emotional.

  • Reiki increases intuition and will help you to become more aware of your life's purpose.

  • Reiki is a spiritual path, reconnecting you with the power and peace within yourself.

  • Reiki is not a religion. It is simply a tool that works with whatever religious path you have chosen for your life - and equally well, if you do not follow traditional religious beliefs.

  • Reiki is "applied quantum physics". It works on the level that makes the fabric of the universe, slowly un-doing the illusional world that we created

  • ... and finally: Reiki will change your life. Once you feel the flow of cosmic energy coming out of your palms, and witness the effect it has on anything it touches, you cannot help but question the established ways of the world.

Mikao Usui, Founder of Reiki

Reiki History

The healing system that today we call Reiki was founded by by Japanese scholar Mikao Usui in 1922.

After a highly successful career as an entrepreneur in Tokyo, in his early 50s he faced severe challenges and became bankrupt. Not able to restart his previous career, hae realised that this may be a turning point to deepen his spiritual journey.

However, even after three years in Buddhist monasteries in Kyoto, he felt had had not reached his goal of “Anshin Ritsumei” - the experience of being a spiritual being.

He decided to then leave everything behind and retreat to the to of Mt Kurama where he followed a strict regime of fasting and meditation. After 21 days, last day of this retreat, he suddenly felt a surge of energy - in his words, felt a big cloud of “Reiki” above his head - and saw himself surrounded by light.

This moment of “enlightenment” -Satori, in Japanese - led him realise that he could channel the energy of Reiki through his hands.

Surprised by the efficacy, he started to give treatments and eventually teach what he called “his system” to students.

He placed great emphasis on meditation and spiritual self-realisation, and trained over 2000 students. His 20 1 Master students then carried the system into the world.

The Reiki Principles

Just for today,

Do not be angry.

Do not worry.

Be grateful.

Work with diligence.

Be kind to others.

— from the Usui Memorial Stone in Tokyo

The Reiki Lineage

The lineage sets the system of Reiki apart from any other complementary therapy. As it can only be practiced after an “attunement’ - an energetic opening facilitated by a Reiki Master - it is necessary that this is is conducted guaranteeing the same vibrational levels the founder of Reiki experienced.

The lineage allows every stundet to trace back their energetic lineage to Mikao Usui, Similar to a family tree, it shows the Reiki Master who attunened them, then the Reiki Master they were attunened by, and so on - all the way up to the founder of Reiki.

At The Reiki Academy, we are attunening in the tradition of the world’s two main Reiki lineages, the Western and the Japanese.

Western Lineage

Mikao Usui

Chujiro Hayashi

Hawayo Takata

Phyllis Lei Furumoto

Carrel Ann Farmer

Leah Smith

William Lee Rand

Penelope Quest

Torsten A. Lange

Teachers of The Reiki Academy

Students of The Reiki Academy

Japanese Lineage

Mikao Usui

Taketomi Kanichi

Kimiko Koyama

Hiroshi Doi

Frans Stiene

Torsten A. Lange

Teachers of The Reiki Academy

Students of The Reiki Academy

Books About Reiki

Reiki Made Easy

The bestselling introduction the Reiki

Learn how to heal all areas of your life with this comprehensive and accessible guide to the powerful practice of Reiki.

You will learn:
- the elements of the Reiki system
- how to connect to Reiki energy to heal yourself and others
- how Reiki can help with relationships, illness, clearing spaces, making life changes and more
- how to give a distant healing
- the steps to becoming a Reiki practitioner

Proof of Reiki, Proof of Eternity

This extraordinary book shows that life’s experiences are never random. It offers proof of the extraordinary power of Reiki, and indeed, proof of eternity.

After a decade as a highly successful international entrepreneur, at the age of 35 Torsten found his world collapsing almost overnight. Soon he was made bankrupt, homeless, and on the verge of ending his life.

Puzzled how Reiki brought the much needed change, he embarked on a journey of discovery. It took him from quantum physics to exploring past lives, from historical research in Japan to finding the world’s first scientific proof of the different levels Reiki works on. And, to his amazement, one day Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, started talking to him,

With Mikao Usui as his spirit guide, he gained a radically deeper understanding of Reiki.This revolutionary book takes Reiki out of the niche of “energy healing” - and makes it a lifestyle.

There Is A Way

A step-by-step guide to a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life. And a better world.

THERE IS A WAY is one of the most radical books ever written:
It's not about changing the status quo on this planet – but changing the status quo of the universe.

It creates a path to save the future of humankind – by saving us from ourselves.